The Success Equation

The Success Equation

If you want to know how to calculate your success, here is an equation for you! Your existing results equal your potential minus your fears!   These are the #16 Fundamentals of the human mind, more specifically this week’s is #10 I was asked while being...
Like attracts like.

Like attracts like.

Like attracts like, soo basic, yet soo powerful, once you understand it. The people you are around now are like -minded people, this is who you are too! If you are feeling unworthy, insecure, negative and lack confidence. You will be hanging around people like that,...
We are not wired for success

We are not wired for success

This started as a theory a few days ago and just as I was about to document it, it disappeared out of my brain until this morning. I was recording this on the way to work and in the car, essentially for me to reboot my memory when I was at work. This starts out as...
Why do I need a mindset coach for sport?

Why do I need a mindset coach for sport?

Why do I need a mindset coach? A simple question and a very long and varied answer follows. You don’t NEED to have one, this is a choice. If you choose to have a mindset coach, this is what you need to understand and consider. Your mind controls everything at...