Social Media links to follow.
For athletes, I am the guy that that 40 World Champions choose
to get their head in the game.
My passion is working with the best in sport, so if success sounds like what you want, let’s find the barriers you have created and break through, put fears in the past and use the fast track tools to get you through the maze that can be mindset.
Thanks for dropping into my website, you have the skills and abilities you need within you now, just consider your best ever performance and how would that be if you could replicate that every time?
If you are not that consistent, you need someone like me to release the inner CHAMPION to deliver incredible results.
And at this time with Covid-19, I am sure you would have been affected personally and in sport in some way, this is the time to step back, get your head right for your return, get focused, manage the disappointments and take time to chill… And I have created an amazingly powerful process that can have you training as you sleep and if you are not able to access gyms or pools at this time, this is perfect!
Just email me and I will share that with you just for asking.
For those in Business…
The elite mindset required in business is the same as sport, if you are an entrepreneur, business owner or elite performer in business and want to achieve more… I have the Mental Edge processes and programs you are looking for in the Elite Mindset Institute programs.
Champions in Life!
In these potentially troubling times, through Covid and beyond, we can be swamped by emotions or step back, refocus and invest in you and the future now while others’ are feeling sorry for themselves. I have created a huge collection of products and programs all designed to help in emotional times and times of change… so exactly where we are now!
YES! with Zoom technology, we can be face to face from my Brisbane, Australia ‘back up office’ or anywhere in the world.
Or choose and online program and maximise your time in isolation to grow yourself.
Chat soon,
Stuart Walter
Elite Mindset Institute on Facebook
Online Products and Programs

I get it… you are here because you are looking for an answer to the inconsistency. You want to manage the nerves, you know you have done all the training and you are not feeling it converting. You are starting to question, am I really good enough?
Hey, that was me. A struggling martial artist in Tae Kwon Do. I was travelling 2 weeks a month in my career, I was very good and fighting yet, very inconsistent. I had huge pressures financially as the sport paid nothing. Athlete’s Secret Weapon
The Athlete’s Secret Weapon Podcast
This podcast is for you! to help you understand the massive part that mindset plays in sport and the massive gains that can be made when you know how the mind works.
This podcast will be full of education, tips, tools and awareness that will evolve as I interview some of the finest athletes in the world.
I have been in clinical practice now for 16 years and I am now even more passionate about sharing my knowledge, skills and tips while interviewing some amazing humans. They have given up their time to help you understand and they really open up to what they have been through in sport and life. It is very real, raw and emotional…
Please enjoy
Elite Mindset Institute Podcast
For the CHAMPIONS in Sport, Business and Life!
Access Tools Built for World Champions…
The Enrolment Membership for the Elite Mindset Institute (EMI) has been created for everyone in the world… and that is my mission, “To empower people to change they way they think, believe, behave and communicate in a way that empowers others”
The Dear Diary Process was an idea created when Stuart was working with a professional golfer. The Golfer made a comment, the comment got Stuart thinking. A concept was created and as Stuart was explaining this with his knowledge, this process was created. The results were immediate and mind blowing overnight… The Dear Diary Process was born.
The concept grew and expanded until it was a 30 page booklet and by using the process himself overnight, Stuart got a publisher for his book and now it is available worldwide for everyone to take control and transform their lives.
Check out the website at www.thedeardiaryprocess.com
FitMind came about as a result of a discussion between the former CEO of Health Guru Industries, Mireille Ryan. In Mireille’s fitness business, she found that those clients who attended the boot camp sessions and followed the nutrition advice, achieved excellent results. With the same trainers doing the same exercises and following the same plans, did not commit, they slept in, emotionally ate, procrastinated and obviously didn’t achieve the same results. Mireille knew these negative behaviours were the result of mindset, so she asked Stuart to put together a program based on his years of experience working with people in a similar situation. FitMind was born! and now FitMind for Life has expanded to FitMind for Weightloss, FitMind for Business, FitMind for Students and FitMind for Network Marketing. Check out the website at www.fitmindonline.com
Firstly and proudly… I am a husband and father of an amazing young man, he is 16 now, and at high school. During my time training, I found a way that kids respond to stories, so when the opportunity presented itself while on a travelling holiday, my concept was tested with brilliant results. I am the Creator and Author of Meta4Kids, short stories for long term change. I am proud to be able to share this world first concept and collection of short stories for kids with you. Check out the Meta 4 Kids website at www.meta4kids.com