Run your own race

Run your own race

In business and life, there are experiences everyday. Some highs, lead to incredible success and the lows lead to incredible… ‘learnings’. I say learnings, because if I say S–T people get offended. Over the last 13 years of investing all my...
Addictions, how are they created?

Addictions, how are they created?

Addictions, how are they created? Everything we do has a positive benefit. it has to otherwise we would not do it! a bully has a positive benefit, not for the persona they attack, they do it to make themselves feel better by bring down another person. If we break this...
Manage fear and watch your opposition crumble.

Manage fear and watch your opposition crumble.

Manage FEAR and watch your opposition crumble, wouldn’t that be great for your sport, business and life? A simple equation to help you understand the effects of fear on performance. Your existing results = your potential minus your fears. Take a moment to have a...
Is consciousness really the way?

Is consciousness really the way?

Is consciousness really the way? The world seems be in a frenzy of becoming conscious, the environment, finance, technology and in communication. That is really great that we are now all becoming followers… The human mind is not designed that way. Every other...
I have been called many things… but a Tool?

I have been called many things… but a Tool?

I have been called many things over the years, some funny, some derogatory and some very humbling, but a Tool? Hypnosis has been shrouded in mystery since it’s beginning, the evil look in people’s eyes. The skepticism or intrigue in questioning or the...